To extend the capabilities of CargoWise, Carguber provides a wide range of external solutions, including enhanced integration, automation, and analytics. External integrations enable seamless data exchange with third-party systems, such as suppliers, 3PLs, and regulatory platforms. Robotic process automation (RPA) services help automate repetitive tasks like data entry, invoice processing, and compliance checks, saving time and reducing errors.
API solutions link CargoWise to various platforms for real-time data synchronization and workflow automation. Business intelligence (BI) solutions create dashboards for in-depth analytics, helping you track shipments, performance metrics, and trends effectively. Tracking portals offer real-time visibility to stakeholders, while customizable dashboards provide a comprehensive view of key metrics to support data-driven decisions. Mobile apps extend the accessibility of CargoWise functionalities, allowing you to manage operations on the go. Additionally, supporting tools like rate calculators, compliance checkers, and task schedulers streamline your daily operations.